Wednesday 20 April 2011

~ Fire Fire Burning Bright ...

The car burst into flames after colliding with a stationary lorry .

Within seconds , the room was engulfed with flames .

Screaming in pain , the occupants of the burning house came staggering out into the streets .

The wail of sirens of the fire engines could be heard .

Tuesday 19 April 2011

~ Bad Weather ...

Black ominous clouds covered the sky threatening rain .

A bolt of lightning  tore across the sky and a peal of thunder came close upon each other .

Rain pelted down from the sky .

The sky above was full of tumultuous , dark , ragged clouds .

The dark clouds grew ominously .

A curtain of  rain beat down from the heavens .

Thunder roared and lightning flashed across the sky .

~ Beautiful Weather ...

The sun shone brilliantly and the water in the pond glittered invitingly .

Coconut trees swayed to the gentle breeze in the warm tropical sunshine .

The sun set behind the horizon in a sea of liquid gold .

The sunset was glorious , all rosy and salmon - pink .

Crimson and amber - tinted clouds overwhelmed the sky .

The sun was like a golden nugget hanging just above the mid - day sky . The strong rays of the sun penetrated through my transparent window .